Students and locals sipped red, blue, orange and green beer at Dalhousie University last night while they watched the results of the election unfold.
“Elections are really exciting. What’s better than watching the elections and having a couple of drinks?” asked Adam Reid, a third-year history student who nabbed a prime leather couch in front of a large screen TV at the Grawood campus bar.
Reid’s friend, Marion Waldron-Blain, a third-year student at NSCAD University, said she’d like to see either the NDP or the Liberals win.
“I go to art school and the Conservatives aren’t very pro-arts at all. I would like to have a job sometime in my life, so that’s most of my reason,” she said.
Reid said he’d like to see more help offered to students paying back student loans, and to making school more affordable.
Not everyone was against the Conservatives. Kevin Forbes, a non-student watching the elections at the Grawood, argued the Conservatives have done a pretty good job in the last two years they’ve been in power.
That said, Forbes didn’t necessarily vote Conservative.
“I sent all candidates an e-mail with a few questions and only one bothered to answer it, so I voted for that guy, because it said a lot about him and the campaign he wanted to run.”
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