Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Liveblogging the Mayoral Candidates Forum on the Environment

So, David Boyd, Sheila Fougere, and Peter Kelly are just about to enter the ring, and I have managed to get wireless internet, so you're getting a liveblog! If you are reading this as I write, you can also tune into the debate at

10:06 Drawing for Opening Comments: Sheila, David, Peter

10:08: Fougere's Opening Statements: Talking about her achievements and efforts on council: Bike Lanes, Natural Step Framework, Anti-Idling Programs, Emissions Reductions... the list goes on. She's reading straight from her notes, so far unengaging.

10:10: Boyd's Opening Statements: David Boyd has actually read Silent Spring, and it turns out he was involved in starting the Earth Day movement. Impressive. Also reading from notes though. He's talking about the clean air act; I think he may be at the wrong debate. He gets cut off.

10:13: Kelly's opening statements: He's talking about his mid-summer dip in the harbour. Kelly is also reading from his notes. Seriously? All I want is a mayoral candidate who can speak without paper. Kelly admits the active transportation initiative in HRM needs work.

10:16: Uranium Mining - Do you support a bylaw to reccomend to the government banning uranium mining for the government of Nova Scotia?

Kelly: Yes, but we should be going towards geothermal.

Fougere: Taking issue with the question, but supports the bylaw reccomending a ban.

Boyd: Yes.

10:18: Top three steps to reduce GHGs.

Boyd: 1) Public Consultation 2) Make it Law
Fougere: 1) 2)Fleet Refits to city vehicles 3) Promote Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Kelly: 1) Geothermal 2) Fleet refits 3) LEED building design


David Boyd hasn't seen the Metro Transit five-year-plan

Peter Kelly just said Halifax has 196 commuters.

10:22 Road Pricing - What leadership will you show during your term to implement road pricing (congestion taxing)?

Boyd: It will be very hard to implement it, so public consultation is the route. People first he says. People pay too much taxes he says. Wants to have road construction work paid for by sponsorship.

Kelly: Tolls aren't the way to go.

Fougere: Likes the idea of road pricing and tolls. Doesn't feel bridge tolls are much of a deterrent, reminds the audience of 3 Million bridge crossings a year in Halifax. Would consider putting tolls on new road construction.

10:25 Do you support a late night bus?
Kelly: I whole heartedly support that approach. Ideally using the free (FRED) shuttles

Fougere: Yes.

Boyd: Yes, until about 2 or 3 in the morning.

10:28 Affordable Housing

Fougere: U-Pass has allowed students to live further out, and find lower provinces. Wants to partner with landlords on a user pay program to help ensure housing is affordable.

Boyd: Wants rent controls. Is concerned about quality of affordable housing.

Kelly: Wants to allot certain portions of housing to affordable housing.

10:32 First Audience Question: How can we make Halifax self sustaining (with respect to food security)?

Kelly: Community gardens are good. Lets maximize the use of local agricultural fields.

Fougere: Community gardens are good for her too. Is talking about wind energy, and public transit for some reason, not really answering the question.

Boyd: Launch a buy local campaign. Rooftop gardens.

10:36 Second Audience Question: How will the active transportation program be implemented (particularly around elementary schools)?

Fougere: Make sure adequate money is there to implement it.

Boyd: Proper Funding.

I apologize for not carrying this posting throughout the whole debate, I got in line to ask a question, and spent the last 45 minutes of the debate in line. More to come later.

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